How To Apply Tension

The FMD tension band is 30 inches in length and comes with a clip. This gives many options for adding tension. The most popular is clipping the FMD to the elastic band and the band to a sock. However, you can also clip to a knee brace, sash, or weights.

Stretch the free end of the elastic band to its desired tension. Fold the remaining portion of the band and clip on the FMD. The FMD’s maximum rated tension is 3 lbs.

It’s important to note, using too much tension over too long a period of time can result in injury, so start low and build up slowly to your desired tension. Pay attention to any signs of soreness to gage when you need to back off and always stop at the first sign of pain or discomfort.

WARNING: do not tie or wrap the elastic band around a leg in a fashion that would cut of circulation. This could lead to blood clots forming in the leg and become dangerous.

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